Two Late Brunettes
Two Late Brunettes is a podcast about fashion gone rogue. Abandoning tradition, stylists Lara and Margo laugh their way through fashion trends, outfitting, and special features while sharing their passion for unique style. During these 20 min episodes you can hear their take on the latest runway looks and how we, the people, can translate it into everyday wear. Come join the fun!
Two Late Brunettes
Big Splash
Margo Lilly and Lara Licciardi
Margo and Lara dissect the fashion looks at Canne and the Met gala. Later on, they take a deep dive into the world of swimsuits and how to navigate finding the right one for Summer 2024.
For contacts: Margolillystylist.com, and Laralicciardi.com. Don't forget to follow @twolatebrunettes on Instagram!
Original music by Jason Hutto!